Hocico - Dog Eat Dog Limited Edition CDM 2010-FWYH

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Hocico - Dog Eat Dog Limited Edition CDM 2010-FWYH

Post autor: zrb »

Genre: Electronic

Kod: Zaznacz cały

                                         °      °               °
                                   ÜÜÜŰŰ °°  ° °° ŰŰÜÜÜ        °
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      ۲ąą˛ą˛˛˛˛˛ą˛ą˛˛ŰŢ°°ŰŰ ˛ßßß۲ Űą°ąąąŰ ܲ˛ąąŰ ß Űą˛ą˛˛˛ąąąąąą°ąąąąŰ
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       ۲ą˛ą˛˛ŰŰŰŰßßßßßŢÜą°Ű ß ŰŰŰÜ Űą˛ąąŰ  ۲˛ąą˛Ű Űąą˛˛˛Ű Ü ßß۲ąą˛ąŰŰ
       ۲ąą˛˛˛Ű ÜÜÜ ßŰąą˛ąąŰ  Ű۲ŰÜ Ű˛ą˛ąŰ  Ű۲˛˛ąŰ ß۲˛˛˛Ű Ű۲ ۲ą˛ą˛Ű
       ۲ą˛˛ą˛Ű  ۲˛ Űąąą˛ąŰŰÜ۲˛ŰŰÜ۲ą˛ŰŰ Ü Ű˛ą˛˛ŰŰ Ű˛˛˛ŰŰ ˛˛˛ ۲˛˛˛˛Ű
       ۲˛˛˛˛˛ŰŰ ˛ąą ßŰą˛˛˛˛Ű˛˛˛Ű˛˛Ű˛˛˛˛Ű ÜŰ Ű˛˛˛˛˛ŰÜ Ű˛˛Ű  ą˛  ۲˛˛˛˛ŰÜ
       ۲˛˛ą˛˛˛Ű ą°°° ۲˛˛˛˛˛˛˛ŰŰ۲˛˛˛ą˛Ű ˛˛ ۲˛˛ą˛˛Ű ߲˛Ű ą°˛ Ű۲˛˛˛˛˛Ű
       ۲˛˛˛˛˛˛Ű  °°° Ű۲˛˛˛˛˛Űß Ű۲˛˛˛ŰŰ ą  ۲˛˛˛˛˛ŰŰÜ ˛Ű °°ą ۲˛˛˛˛˛˛Ű
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      ۲˛˛ŰŰŰŰŰßßß  °° Ű۲˛˛Űß ŰŰ ß۲˛˛Ű ° ÜŰŰßß ÜÜÜŰÜÜ ßßß °° ŰŰŰ۲˛˛˛ŰÜ
     ŰŰßßßß ÜÜÜÜ۲ą °°  ۲˛ŰŰ ˛Ű˛˛ ۲˛ŰŰ ° Ü ÜÜŰßß    ßßß ß °°ÜÜÜ ßßßŰŰŰŰ
     ÜÜÜŰŰŰŰŰ۲ą°°   °° ŰŰ˛Ű  ˛˛°ą ßŰŰŰ                     °ą˛ŰŰŰŰŰÜÜÜÜÜ
  ßßŰŰŰŰŰŰ۲ą° Ripped °  ŰŰŰ ą˛°°°ą ŰŰ  FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD!    °ą˛ŰŰŰŰŰŰŰßß
    °ŰŰŰ۲ą° by TEAM  °° ŰŰ  ą°° °° ŰŰ        PRESENTS            °ą˛ŰŰŰŰ°
      ˛ŰŰŰą    FWYH   °°  Ű ą°    ° ß                              ąŰŰ۲
       ŰŰ۲                                                        ˛ŰŰŰ
       ąŰŰŰ°   ARTiST....[ Hocico                                 °ŰŰŰą
        ŰŰŰą   TiTLE.....[ Dog Eat Dog                            ąŰŰŰ
        ˛Ű۲   GENRE.....[ Electronic                             ˛Ű۲
         ŰŰŰ   LABEL.....[ Out of Line                            ŰŰŰ
         ˛ŰŰ°  KHZ.......[ 44,1                                  °Ű۲
         ąŰŰą  MODE......[ avgkbps / Joint-Stereo                ąŰŰą
         °ŰŰą  ENCODER...[ Lame 3.97                             ąŰŰ°
     ßÜ  ąŰ۲  REL.DATE..[ 25-Jun-2010                           ˛ŰŰą  Üß
    ° ßŰŰÜŰ۲                                                    ˛ŰŰÜŰŰß °
     ° ß۲˛ŰÜ                                                   ÜÜ۲˛Űß °
 ŰÜÜÜÜܲąßßßßßß                  [TRACKLiST]                   ßßßßßßą˛ÜÜÜÜŰ
  ˛Ű˛ß Nr. TRACK                  ůůůůůůůůů              TiME:          ߲۲
  °Űą  ________________________________________________________________  ąŰ°
  °Űą  01ł Dog Eat Dog                                          ł 05:11  ąŰ°
  °Űą  02ł Escape the Spell                                     ł 05:57  ąŰ°
  °Űą  03ł Dog Eat Dog (Arsch Dolls Remix)                      ł 05:14  ąŰ°
  °Űą  04ł Dog Eat Dog (Aesthetic Perfection Remix)             ł 04:37  ąŰ°
  °Űą  05ł Dog Eat Dog                                          ł 04:43  ąŰ°
  °Űą    ł (Doggy Style Remix by Solitary Experiments)          ł        ąŰ°
  °Űą  06ł Dog Eat Dog (Diabolic Art Remix)                     ł 05:23  ąŰ°
  °Űą    ł                                                      ł _____  ąŰ°
  °Ű˛    ł                                 TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):ł 31 :0 5  ˛Ű°
  ąŰŰÜ                                                                  ÜŰŰą
 ß˛Ű˛ß                         [RELEASENOTES]                           ߲۲ß
  ąŰ˛                             ůůůůůůůůů                              ˛Űą
  °Űą                                                                    ąŰ°
  °Űą  See the dog’s got teeth like razors … and he uses them to bite!   ąŰ°
  °Űą  On “Dog Eat Dog”, the brand-new single from Mexican Hard-         ąŰ°
  °Űą  Electro-legend Hocico, shouter Erk Aicrag and sound wizard Racso  ąŰ°
  °Űą  Agroyam are as aggressive as never before.                        ąŰ°
  °Űą                                                                    ąŰ°
  °Űą  A catchy-as-hell hook line meets the most brutal vocal escapades  ąŰ°
  °Űą  and the hardest beats the duo has ever unleashed: a relentless    ąŰ°
  °Űą  aggro-fest with a distinctive hit-appeal. The new single also     ąŰ°
  °Űą  contains three bass-laden remixes from Solitary Experiments,      ąŰ°
  °Űą  Aesthetic Perfection and Arsch Dolls as well as the exclusive b   ąŰ°
  °Űą  -side-smasher “Escape The Spell.” “Dog Eat Dog” will also be      ąŰ°
  °Űą  released as a limited vinyl 12” sporting one more remix.          ąŰ°
  °Űą                                                                    ąŰ°
  °Űą  Limited to 600 pieces.                                            ąŰ°
  ąŰŰÜ                                                                  ÜŰŰą
Üß   ˛ąŰ˛˛Űąßßßßßß              [GROUPNOTES]                ßßßßß߹۲˛Űą˛   ßÜ
    ° ÜŰŰŰ۲°                    ůůůůůůůůůů                      °˛ŰŰŰŰÜ °
   ° ÜŰŰąŰŰ°°                                                    °°ŰŰąŰŰÜ °
    Üß   ˛Űą° FWYH : FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD, Were all about Family °ąŰ˛  ßÜ
         ˛Ű˛° Dedication, Quality, Respect & LOVE for the music! °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° As the years pass, all our motives and objectives  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° remain,we want to give the best of dark electronic °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° genres,with the quality deserved for the only true °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° underground scene, the Future is these genres!!!!! °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° To all the artists that we release, some newcomers °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° & other established acts: We are sorry if you dont °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° understand the promotion we do, of your own work,  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° but if you make quality music, we are pretty sure  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° that a lot of people will spend their own money on °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° your art.  Our intention isnt to spread for the   °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° masses, but just to promote good music, so all we  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° can ask is an apologize for any misunderstanding!! °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° You People deserve all our respect and attention!! °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° Alternately to all the Xdcc & p2p lamerz that one  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° day will probably destroy us all, our releases are °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° not supposed to be spread around, but to be where  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° they are meant to stay! Behind Doors & Locked Away °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° __________________________________________________ °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° ůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůů [GREETS] ůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůů °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° To our competition: AMOK, CMG, D2H, radial, SEVER  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° for all the good "fights", may you lose more than  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° win,theres no room for second place in this bizz  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° To all the crews that have been an example for us  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° trough this years, many to enumerate, but we all   °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° know "Who is Who", Props go to "WHO" deserves it!  °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° And finally, greets to all FWYH guys and their own °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° families, takes time and patience to go along with °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛° all of this, so the warmest greets are to them!!!! °˛Ű˛
         ˛Ű˛°                                                    °˛Ű˛
      Ü°˛ŰŰŰÜ                                                  ÜŰŰŰ۲°Ü
   ÜŰŰŰßß۲ąąŰŰßßß                                          ßßßŰŰąą˛ŰßßŰŰŰÜ
         ß۲ŰŰ    ASCii By AyLieN OF CHEMICAL REACTiON 2oo2!    Ű۲Űß
          ŰŰŰŰ                Updated on 12-2006                ŰŰŰŰ
           ŰŰŰŰ                                                ŰŰŰŰ
            ŰŰŰ          FWYH : in Joint-Stereo forces         ŰŰŰ
             ŰŰÜ                 with Lame 3.97               ÜŰŰ

Kod: Zaznacz cały


Keywords For Google:
Electronic , music , download , free download , full download , 0day , exculesive , hot , release , rapidshare , hotfile
